Show Overview
"Lost Nation Theater’s The Tempest is a Magical Entertainment" - Jim Lowe, The Times Argus
October 10-27 and via digital viewing thru Nov 5
By William Shakespeare
"we are such stuff as dreams are made on..."
Fall Foliage Shakespeare is Back!
Shakespeare's magical final play is a tale of reckoning and redemption.
It is brimming with comedy and romance, and the hazards of greed & revenge.
And it's Shakespeare at his best.
Directed by Ann Harvey (who started our Shakespeare tradition with us!).
Featuring our founder, Kim Bent, as Prospero.
7:30pm Th-Sat;2pm Sun
Oct 6-27, 2024
and via digital viewing thru Nov 5
For full ticket price information - including great deals for preview night - click here
Production Team
featuring onstage:
Aliza Azarian, Kim Bent, Angie Calfa, Emily Harvey Lacroix, Evan Lewis, Brittney Malik, Marissa Mattogno, Case Phinney, Jim Phinney, Stacia Richard, Kolin Shaw, Jim Thompson, Nick Wheeler, Töve Wood
and our Production Team
Director Ann Harvey
Movement/Choreography Coach Emma Manion
Composer/live Sound Design Kathleen Keenan
Scenic Design John Devlin
Costume Design Cora Fauser
Lighting Design Kayo Tokuue
Production Stage Manager/Properties Tara Hightower
ASM Angie Calfa
Production Assistant Molly McCreedy
Costume management assistant Sarah Menard
lighting supervisor: Samuel J Biondolillo
Buzz Info
"Outstanding performance of The Tempest yesterday! The players, the costumes, the music and sound -- all just fantastic. I always love your work, but truly this one was amazing!"
- Margaret Grant
"The Tempest,” one of William Shakespeare’s most popular plays, is a mystical comic romance. Lost Nation Theater’s colorful production thoroughly enjoyed the romance and the comedy — but the magic was most delightful. Lost Nation’s production, directed by Ann Harvey, delivers that magic and romance — and lots of comedy.
The physical production was impressive, beginning with an abstractly cave-like stage setting, given life by Kayo Tokuue’s effective lighting and Cora Fauser’s creative and attractive costumes. The cast was delightful. Lost Nation Theater’s “The Tempest” is a magical entertainment." - Jim Lowe
"Magical (Really). Enjoyed the show! Understood every word. - David Klein
Media Info
all photos courtesy of John Snell