
2017 Season Announced

Nov 01, 2016
at the Poe Spooktacular, LNT revealed its' 2017 Season Programming

POE Spooktacular was Spectacular

Oct 31, 2016
Fun times at the Poe Spooktacular 2016

Poe Spooktacular Halloween

Oct 21, 2016
LNT's fan fav actor-singer-dancers/choreographers come together to create a frighteningly fun fundraiser and poe-fect party!

Christopher Scheer Solo Show Showcased in The Times Argus

Oct 14, 2016
Times Argus arts editor Jim Lowe previews Chris' brand spankin' new -first-time-ever-performed original solo show.

The Audience is HOWLING! at Sylvia!

Oct 12, 2016
Get a feel for Sylvia at LNT from Audience Responses and Photos by John Snell

Jim Lowe Review's SYLVIA -

Oct 11, 2016
And It's a Rave! "Loads of Fun" "Expertly directed"

ORCA Media News Feature On SYLVIA

Oct 06, 2016
ORCA's Chris Green & Rob Chapman captured some rehearsal moments and interviewed the creative team working on SYLVIA to create this fun Feature

The Many Faces of DOGS

Oct 04, 2016
It's the new exhibit in Lost Nation Theater's Lobby Art Gallery by Maayan Kasimov. A compliment to SYLVIA

Meet the Cast & Creatives of Sylvia

Oct 02, 2016
LNT is so excited to bring some favorite artists of near and far together to create Sylvia - see who's who and what they may have to say about the show, their characters and LNT!

A Love Triangle. With a Dog?

Sep 30, 2016
Jim Lowe of The Times Argus feature article on LNT's upcoming "Sylvia"
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